⭐️ Exclusive partnership promotion: Get DevGAMM tickets 15% off with the promo code: devgamm15 ⭐️
In this episode, Sophie welcomes Maria Chyrvona, the CEO of DevGAMM, to discuss the evolution of the gaming conference since its inception in Ukraine in 2008. They dive into the personal and professional experiences that shaped DevGAMM, including navigating the challenges of COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine.
Maria shares insights into the organization of events, their business model, and the unique values that make DevGAMM's events feel like a community and personalized experience. Don’t miss out on the upcoming DevGAMM Lisbon event on November 14-15, notable speakers including John Romero, and an exciting indie developer contest with cash prizes of $100,000!
For more info, check the DevGAMM Awards 2024 info and how to submit your game.
00:37 Guest Introduction: Maria from DevGAMM
01:49 The Origins of DevGAMM
07:59 Challenges and Resilience During the War In Ukraine
17:26 Business Model and Event Organization
24:42 Creating a Unique And Personalized Event Experience
37:28 Upcoming DevGAMM Lisbon Event in November and Indie Game Awards Prize. Get event tickets 15% off with the promo code: devgamm15
44:20 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
⭐️ Exclusive partnership promotion: Get DevGAMM tickets 15% off with the promo code: devgamm15 ⭐️
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